Another mixed bag this time mainly because of illness, this has slowed down a lot of projects which is very frustrating.
I felt bad all through Salute this year which made the show even harder than usual, so many issues on the Friday afternoon and the Saturday morning I was surprised that the show managed to open on time, but thankfully there were not too many problems during the Saturday while the show was open which was a nice change.
So, what has been happening since?
The Stars & Lasers supplement has been finished and has been released, which is good, it did take a lot longer than I had planned, some of the delay was because I did have to re-think a few of the ship designs a couple of times, but I eventually got them how I wanted them.
I hope people are enjoying all the new ships.
Salute swag!

I did actually manage to buy a few things at Salute this year which made a nice change, as I don’t normally get the time, first of my purchases was a few mixed 15mm sci-fi figures from GZG a mixture of basic marine infantry with some rocket support and four lots of heavy armoured robots, these will fit in with the two sci-fi armies I am building ( I will put some pictures up once I have started to paint them )
All the figures for the two armies are from different manufacturers, but they should all mix in well once they are all painted and based, I still need to get a few more vehicles as I only have two tanks and a few mixed light vehicles, I don’t think that I need many but at least a couple more heavier vehicles and maybe some sort of flier.
All the scenery I have made for these so far is based on a desert planet, I have completed enough buildings for a large village, and I have tons of stuff not yet finished including over 100 palm trees, plus loads of bits and pieces for scatter terrain and a big stretch of dry river bed!!
So, by the time this is all done I will be able to place a good 6ft x 4ft table full of terrain for my 15mm sci-fi armies to fight over, I just need some good rules now…
I also managed to get hold of a few ACW Ironclads form Peter Pig for my new rules set, these plus all the ships I have 3D printed will take my Union and Confederate fleets up to a good number, I should be able to get some big games with them all once I have managed to get them all based and painted, again I will put some pictures of them once I have finished them.
I still need to look at getting at least one river fort, although I guess that they would be fairly easy to scratch build, and I have also been trying to think of other scenery to make ( as that is a fun part of this hobby ) but so far can’t think of much I can add to river table.

ACW ships from the show, and the latest lot of 3D printed ones, note again I have had to replace the funnels on a few of the ships as my printer is still having trouble printing them, it get to hot and doesn’t have a chance to cool down between each layer, there much be something in the settings to help with this but as yet I have not been able to work out what!
I have also been trawling through some of my WW2 books looking for sea battles that could be used as the basis for some more scenarios for Stars & Lasers, I had fun converting the “Where is the Glory?” scenario and want to try to do some more, these of course would all be released as free downloads.
I have been looking at “The Battle for the Atlantic” and “The Battle for the Pacific” and have seen a few that I think would transfer over well to Stars & Lasers with only a little bit of work, I just need to find the time now to do some.
Just one that I have been looking at is “the battle of Barents Sea” this looks like it could be very interesting to try, this would be all about the battle to protect convoy JW-51B heading to Russia, lots of Destroyers and some big ships! I might even have to design a new ship for this… a “Fleet” Destroyer, I have never heard of them before so need to get my Google brain working to find out more about them.
I also printed a Japanese Torii Temple gate in 28mm for my many Samurai to fight around ( or under! ) I have been tempted to look at scenery for these figures because a couple of friends at the club have tried out the Ronin rules by Osprey and they say that they play really well, so I am going to get an intro game soon, maybe I will get my Samurai finally painted…

And while I had the printer running I run through a small selection of scenery for my 15mm figures ( these were meant for 28mm but I scaled them down ) and I thought that they didn’t look to bad.

Then I found a file or two for modern 28mm scenery which I will be using for some zombie gaming sometime, just a wooden pallet and some blocks and an oil drum, not too bad for some quick scenery, maybe for an old building site.

And last but not least I have a “Discord” server for Little Wargaming Worlds, this is where anyone interested in Stars & Lasers will be able to chat about the game and see any news of up coming releases or just see pictures of models and chat with other players about their games using the rules.
I will be able to answer any questions that you have and will take note of any suggestions you may also have on what you think should be in Stars & Lasers ( obviously I might not be able to add everything that is suggested )
Once it is open I will put a link up on this site so that any one that is interested will be able to find it.