The Last Drifters, Spider goes hunting.

I managed to find a little time today to get in a game and as I haven’t played the Last Drifters for a while I decided to get some cars and bikes out of their box.

I decided that I would put Spider on the table again and have him fight it out with a small local gang, Spider has been hired to “deal” with them any way he can, he would be paid his usual fee for each gang member dealt with, an amount of ammo, fuel, food per ganger.

He took his partner who would be firing the heavy machine on the turret mount, his car would have a 40mm grenade launcher for that heavy punch when needed and a heavy machine gun mounted on the front, with a load out of smoke cannisters and one pod of mines.

He had also been upgrading his car over the past few weeks and it now had ABS, two nitrox-oxide cannisters, a full suspension upgrade and he had finally got the turbo system fixed.

The gang he was hired to deal with are a small group about ten miles outside of the town, at last count there was only nine members, with a few bikes but with at least one car and a pickup.

Spider had no information on how the gang’s vehicles had been fitted out, he was hoping they didn’t have any heavy weapons, he knew the bikes would be fast but no real problem for his heavily armour ride, it was the car and pickup that would probably cause the most problems.

Spider left town so that he would be hitting the gangs camp in the very early hours, hopefully catching them tired and half asleep.

The points for the game were 1793 points for the gangers and 1488 for Spider, the gang members have a dice advantage of 9 dice to 2 dice, things were going to be tough for Spider.

Turn one: the gang saw (or heard) Spider’s vehicle coming and were able to get to their vehicles and were leaving the campsite as Spider roared towards them.

Spider and his passenger tried a few long-range shots, but only managed to put a hole in one of the bikes as it raced out of the camp.

The two gangers in the back of the pickup fired off a couple of early shots that bounced harmlessly off of Spider’s cars armoured sides.

Turn Two: the pickup races out towards Spider’s car firing off a few shots with just one bullet finding a weak spot in Spider’s cars armour.

Spider hit the accelerator kicking dust up from his screeching tires as he races towards the closest biker ignoring the pickup, and is pleased to see several hits rip into the speeding bike.

Spider’s passenger turns the heavy machinegun around to track the fast-moving biker and opens up with a full burst and see the biker go spinning over into the sand and out of the fight.

Turn three: the pickup roars around and sticks close to the rear of Spider’s car, hitting it with everything it can.

Spider looks into his rear view with a little bit of concern on his face, that pickup is going to be a lot of trouble if he doesn’t do something about it soon.

His passenger puts several shots into the front of the pickup, but it stays behind them.

Spider swings his car around and drives through the gang’s camp hoping to lose the pickup, dropping smoke cannisters as he goes.

One of the gang’s bikers somehow manages to get a shot through Spider’s cars armour and takes out the grenade launcher! That has really hurt Spider’s plans.

Turn four: things are not Spider’s way at the moment, he needs to start hurting these gangers or he is going to be in real trouble.

Spider pull up behind the ganger’s car and opens up with the front mounted machinegun and puts a couple of shots into the rear armour, but the ganger driving ignores the shots and roars away throwing his vehicle into a sharp turn coming back around for Spider.

Turn five: Spider throws his vehicle around and heads straight at the ganger’s car firing his machinegun again at almost point-blank range and was pleased to see the heavy rounds ripping through the vehicles armour.

The ganger’s car races away from Spider, the driver not wanting to stick around for any more shots.

One of the bikers moves in behind Spider, but his shots all miss.

Spider’s passenger cooly turns the heavy machinegun onto the biker close behind almost blowing the bike and rider apart!

Turn six: the pickup roars around and comes in at Spider really fast firing off his autoguns cutting the firing mechanism of Spider’s front machinegun! Spider is in real trouble now.

The remaining biker and the gang’s car come around and fire everything they have at Spider’s car managing to get several more shots through his armour.

Spider glances back at his passenger and says “I think we need to get out of here” the passenger quickly agrees and Spider hits the nitrox-oxide switch and roars away from the gang’s camp…

Well, that didn’t go as planned. What happened? Spider out classed the gangers with weapons, car build and armour and with his increased driving skill and shooting skill he out drove them and only missed one or two shots for the whole game! But could not get through the gang’s vehicle armour.

And the ganger’s penetrated Spider’s heavy armour with almost every shot, even their autoguns managed to get through and cause critical hits!!

They got five critical hits during the game and Spider got none, they first took out his grenade launcher then his heavy machinegun… it really wasn’t his lucky day.

Still it was great fun, and with one or two more penetrating hits it could have gone Spider’s way, the gangs pickup and the gangs car will need a lot of repairs done before they will be causing trouble for the locals again.

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    • Mac

      Hi Jack,

      Thanks I am glad you liked the report, it was really a lot of fun to play.
      It didn’t go as I expected it to, all the armour on Spiders car was heavy and the gangers only had light or medium, but for some reason I failed to penetrate on so many shots against the gang vehicles, even the bikes… more of my great dice rolling! 🙁

      The game is fun and not just a race game, although it is a good race game as well 😉
      Players can set up and just fight a normal battle just like a normal wargame, but with cars, pickups, vans, bikes, oh and trucks.


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