After much effort and collaboration, I’m excited to present the new Star Trek supplement for Stars & Lasers: Cloaks, Shields and Starships!

This fan-built supplement was created with the help of members from the Little Wargaming Worlds Discord server. It allows you to bring your Star Trek miniatures to the tabletop using the fast-paced and fun Stars & Lasers rules.

Inside, you’ll find everything you need to run Star Trek-themed games, including:
- Star Trek Ship Datacards: These datacards are based on The Original Series (TOS) and several of the films, featuring ships from the Federation, Klingon Empire, and Romulan Star Empire. Each datacard includes all the unique weapons and systems required for play.
- Rules for Star Trek Weapons and Systems: Detailed mechanics for iconic technologies like photon torpedoes, cloaking devices, and deflector shields.
- Special Manoeuvres and Tactics: A variety of Star Trek-inspired strategies to enhance your fleet’s performance during battles.
- Tokens: Printable tokens tailored for this supplement, found at the back of the rules, to make gameplay seamless.

With this supplement, you can finally bring your Star Trek miniatures to life and enjoy thrilling battles on the tabletop. The original Stars & Lasers core rules remain unchanged, ensuring that games are fast and fun while adding a distinctive Star Trek flavor.

You can download this supplement from Wargames Vault –
Stars & Lasers – Cloak’s, Shields and Starships – Mac | Wargame Vault
Additionally, I’m currently working on a fan-made Star Wars Armada supplement, which will allow players to use their Armada ships in games of Stars & Lasers.
Please note: This supplement is not a stand-alone game. You’ll need the core Stars & Lasers rulebook to play.