Well it’s finally here, the first supplement for Stars & Lasers! “More Lasers…”
It contains several new ships, including a selection of escorts, tenders and an alien corvette, and there is also a new large space station, all the new datasheets are included for these as well.
I have also added ten more scenarios, these include the following –
We need your supplies… a small force must escort their supply ships through an enemy controlled sector.
Now you see me, now you don’t… a small force is being hunted by unseen enemies as it travels home.
It will not die!!… a lone dreadnought, damaged from an earlier battle, has flown into a sector held by enemy ships.
Assault on sector 310Alpha… a planetary defence force is looking for a way to break the blockade around their home planet.
Plus, six more, these have been made to help give a little variety to your tabletop space battles.
And I have also added two types of space scenery to the rules, including some simple instructions on how they were made.
And after some pressure from friends I have now added some simple boarding actions to the rules, using new squadrons of troop carrying assault ships.
( all the scenarios and the new scenery would be usable in many other games systems with a little adjustment )
You can find the Stars & Lasers supplement One here –