Well we decided to play a couple of games last night of Crystalline Wars The Card Game, and well it wasn’t a very friendly game!!
My Mrs played some games solo during the early part of the evening, which was fun listening to her moan that the wizard was cheating… let me explain about the solo version of the game, you play against two packs of cards that you turn over for the wizard’s reactions, so either attacking cards or defending cards, there is no wizard (its a solo game) so we were not sure who the Mrs was moaning about.
Her first game went really well and she managed to win fairly easily and was very pleased with herself, but then right from the start of the second game things were not going well for her.
The “wizard” proceeded to whittle her life down a few points at a time, then in a couple of turns my Mrs managed to take the wizard down to nine lives, she was happy at that point, but it didn’t last for long.
Things started to go badly again and her lives were soon down to zero and she had lost.
So one game all and all to play for in the third game.
The third game started really well for the Mrs, she had gained extra life and had taken the wizard down a few points in the first few turns, but then things settled down to a few points here and there for the wizard and my Mrs.
Soon the wizard was on fourteen life and the Mrs was on twelve.
She felt that she was still in the game and was going to teach the nasty wizard a lesson!! (her words) But it wasn’t to be, the wizard just took a few points at a time until the Mrs had lost again…
I love the solo game, I have played many times and probably lost most of the games, but because it is a challenge it makes it fun.
Any way we then decided that me and my son would join in and play a couple of friendly games ☹️
Yeah right, there is no such thing as a friendly game of Crystalline Wars! Once you start taking damage from the other players all family ties and friendships are forgotten!
You try and do as much damage as you can to everyone you are playing against as quickly as you can without getting hit back.
So the first game started off well for me, my son and I both managed to take a few points off of my Mrs, taking her down to twenty five life, I wasn’t smiling honest.
But then the “pick on Mac” type of game started and I was suddenly down to seven life left.
Well I fought back a little and got a bit of satisfaction of taking the Mrs down to six life but then my son who was still on seventeen life decide that it was about time that me and his mother (wicked boy picking on his mum!) were finished off so he sent two fusions against us and took us both out.

So on to game number two and it was time for some revenge, I decided that my son would suffer this game.
We all had a good selection of fusions flying back and forth and we all took some early damage, but then my son hit his mother again! Taking her down to nine life left…
Well that did cause a few laughs, not from me I hasten to add (😊) then I realised that I was getting hit as well which wasn’t nice at all and I was suddenly down to eight life.
So I had rubbish cards and was almost out of the game, things were not looking good, I then got a small fusion and fired it off at my son, but he just took it apart using one of his items and made use of the battleground effect.
This left me with no cards and no hope at all.
My son then finishes me off with a smile… I think I may remove him from my will 😉
But then Mrs Mac hit him with two small fusions and she was the winner!
Two great fun games, lots of laughs and exciting moments with broken or stollen fusions, can’t wait to play again, maybe next time I might win.
Hi Mac,
That sounds like you all had a bucket load of fun & laughs (which is what it’s really all about) ! It’s interesting you’re able to get family to play too – there’s less than a Whelks chance in a supernove of that happening for me!
Ive got a game called ‘Wizard’ by SJG which is much the same concept of Wizzud vs Wazzuk duels – I’ve yet to play it though.
When does Crystalline Wars hit the market, I’ll have to take a look.
Hi Vic,
My son has just managed to get the game working on Tabletopia, which hopefully means people can see what it is like before we launch it.
And we have a Kickstarter planned for early next year, we don’t have enough support yet to try and release it any earlier.
The solo game is really fun to play, I get beat most of the time.
You think ok I will hold onto the elements and cast a bigger fusion which does more damage, but the damn solo wizard starts making you discard cards, so you try and hit it with lots of smaller fusions doing less damage but he blocks them or rebounds them back at you!! 🙁
Sometimes, you get a little bit of luck and kill the horrible wizard really quickly, but not often.
Mac <-- feeling miserable because he designed a solo game that beats him far too often.
Hahahaha! I get beaten by my dice, never mind solo opponents!