Well that was fun!
I spent a few hours (about ten) over the last week painting a UEF force ready for some games of Hostile Actions.
And well I am pleased with the finished models, they wouldn’t win any awards but they are tabletop ready.
So what did I paint, well for a start there are 112 infantry with 3 infantry support weapons teams plus some robots and droids for those extra shots when needed.

Included in the infantry are 8 light infantry units with a General and 2 supporting officers all with their aides.
There are 3 units of some very scary power armoured infantry! plus 2 units of assault troops and not forgetting 3 units of scouts.
Oh and 3 walkers.

Then there are the vehicles.

The infantry have 6 APC’s and 1 armoured car, plus 2 scout cars and 4 jet bikes.
Then there are 3 light tanks, 3 medium tanks and 1 heavy tank, followed up by 1 self propelled artillery and 1 self propelled gun (which could stand in for a second heavy tank!)
And last but not least a VTOL for that much needed air support.
And I have also sorted out a GRF force to go against the UEF, this force is made up of a real mixture of vehicles and infantry.

Along with their light infantry they have a large contingent of militia… well actually penal colony troops, but for now they will be militia.
They also have 5 light infantry units, 2 scout units, a sniper team, 3 robots, 6 droids, and of course a very important looking general.
The vehicles are a real mixture, there are of course several tanks and armoured cars, but there are strange little vehicles in the centre of the picture, not sure what I will do with them just yet.
There is also some mobile artillery and of course a few APC’s.
Also in the second row at the back left there are some strange utility vehicles, one even has a crane on the back, plus a couple of small haulers of some sort.
Oh and the pile of metal at the front is another VTOL, it just needs some glue!
This force can be done a little slower than the UEF as I have some alien troops to fight the UEF for now, so there is no real hurry to get these finished.
Looking good! I’m searching for a bulk lot of figures but not having much success so far.
Good luck with the search, I hope you find some soon.