Its been really bad lately I have not a chance to get in a game for a while now, I have been too busy writing games and doing other non hobby stuff.
But today I wanted to do something completely different to mark me getting back at the gaming table again.
A while back I did a ‘three different games in three days’ bit of fun, and that was great, but this time I went for something a little bit crazy, ‘four different games in one day!’
I started off with a small ambush game using Hostile Actions, I pointed up two small forces –
UEF (United Earth Federation) = 1,110 pts
Lieutenant Command
3 x Light Infantry Units
2 x APC’s (one has Drone Support)
1 x Light Tank with Advanced Armour
2 x Jet Bikes
GRF (Galactic Resistance Front) = 1,307 pts (some alien figures standing in for my GRF as I haven’t started painting them yet)
Lieutenant Command (with Call in The Artillery)
2 x Light Infantry Units
1 x Armoured Infantry
2 x Militia
2 x Combat Walkers (one of the walkers has Rapid Reload)
For the ambush the GRF are waiting in the village ready to attack the UEF column.

The GRF get the initiative on the first turn so immediately move one of their combat walkers to attack the light tank as they know that it will be imperative to destroy it as quickly as they can, the first shot misses the easy target so they use the ‘Rapid Reload’ card and shoot again… and the shot fails to penetrate the light armour!

That was not a great start for the GRF, they really needed to put the light tank out of this fight.
The light tank slowly turns towards the walker and opens fire… when the smoke clears the walker is out of the fight.

The GRF armoured infantry fired on the closest APC and only managed to some light damage.
The two jet bikes sped forward hitting a militia unit trying to hide behind a wall and killed one of them.
A unit of GRF light infantry on the roof of the building hit them and took out one of the bikes.
The militia fired back at the remaining bike and were pleased to see it crash to the ground.
One unit of UEF light infantry disembark from the front APC and move towards the enemy armoured infantry killing one as they advanced.
The APC moved around to engage the armoured infantry as well and kills another one of the tough troops.
The lieutenant then gets out and joins in the fight against the armoured infantry and manages to kill another one and wound one more, he could be heard over the command channel saying “that’s how you do it lads!”

The armoured infantry are now shaken by all the hits they are taking.
A militia unit moves out from behind a building and fire at the light tank, hoping that they can at least do a little damage, but again the light tank just shrugs off the shots.
The second APC moves along side the light tank and fires on the armoured infantry as it goes by killing one more and suppressing the last trooper in the unit.
They were now in a lot of trouble.
The remaining GRF combat walker runs down the main street of the village hoping to get some close-range shots off at the light tank.

The GRF lieutenant decides it is best to stay in cover and see how things turn out…
Turn two.
The GRF lieutenant does two things, first he calls in the artillery bombardment he had arranged targeting the light tank, one APC and a light infantry unit.
But unfortunately, the artillery barrage does not hit the given target and the shot moves over on top of an APC, the UEF lieutenant and a light infantry unit, so not a complete loss.

Well that could have gone better, the APC and the lieutenant command unit escaped the barrage without any damage or wounds, but the light infantry did lose two troopers to the blast.
The second thing the GRF lieutenant does is order the walker to move closer to attack the light tank and destroy it… and the walker misses!
When the smoke cleared from the barrage the UEF lieutenant sees the GRF walker in the middle of the road so orders the light tank to kill it… the light tank follows his orders to the letter and rips the walker apart.

The ambush does not seem to be going well for the GRF lieutenant.
A light infantry unit moves out of cover to hit the light tank in a last ditched attempt to take it out of this fight, but their shots all fail to do any damage.
The tanks commander seeing the light infantry in the open orders his gunners to open fire on them, three of the lightly armoured troops died.

At this point the GRF lieutenant orders his remaining troops to fall back and re-group to fight another day…
Well things could have gone better for the GRF, they could not hit anything and if they did their shots bounced off doing no damage.
How the light tank survived is beyond belief, it was so lucky in the battle, normally these light tanks don’t last five minutes but, in this battle, it was a super tank, I think next time the GRF will bring a light tank of their own.
A little battle but great fun.