Union ACW ships all based for Blood Sweat & Iron

Well I have finally made a start on the 3D printed Union ships for Blood Sweat & Iron, I have based them and put on the river surface ready for the next stage.

I did find it really fiddly again getting the river, waves and ripples looking the way I wanted, still I think they look ok.

Ok first off a group shot, only nine ships this time, but that does take the total Union ships up to twenty three now, the confederates have about thirty ships so plenty to play with.

The first two ships are the USS Lexington and the USS Tylor both are gunships and I am liking them a little more now they are based, I will have a go at putting some small structures on the decks though as I still think they are a bit bare compared to pictures on the internet.

Next up are the USS Milwaukee and the USS Canonicus two Ironclads these will fit in nicely with the other Union Ironclads that I have, very simple to paint as well.

Next is the USS Passiac another nice simple Ironclad, alongside that ship are three small tugs? I am not 100% sure what they are at the moment I need to do some digging on the internet to try and find out what they are and give them some names.

Pretty little ships though and some nice detail ( especially for my printer! )

Last but not least is the USS Unandilla, this ship still has a lot of work needed to finish her off, the masts failed again on my printer they came out too thin and were just unusable so I will be replacing them with thinned toothpicks and milliput.

Once all the additional work is done on these ships I will paint them to match the rest of my Union fleet.

Here are the rest of the Union ships all ready for battle.

As soon as they are all finished and painted I will put some more pictures up, maybe even alongside all the Confederate ships as well.

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  1. Zac

    Hi Mac nice to see you the other day shame about the local, I miss warteloo.

    Well done!
    Shame their so ugly!
    I like my ships square riged and copper bottomed.
    Talking of square river’s
    Have you played black seas before?

    • Mac

      Hi Zac,

      Yep it was good to see you too mate, and yes I miss the Waterloo shop as well.

      I have not played Black Seas although I have sat and watched a couple of games at the club, seems ok, the game looks fairly simple which is normally a good sign.

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