Well I have finally finished the rules for the new alien race for Stars & Lasers, and they are the “Reformers”
I wanted to make my own ships and so sorted out a pile of Necron bits and started to put a few bits and pieces together and what I ended up with was some really nice ships, and so the Reformers were…. formed!
I was given a few ideas about some strange weapons and some ideas about alien races from someone who has been playing Stars & Lasers since it was released, so I used a couple of those ideas and changed them slightly to fit into the rules ( I did ask his permission )
I ended up with a race of aliens that are mechanical and are all connected by a hive mind to control the ships in their fleets, in each fleet there will always be one main Core mind ship, and this ship controls every other ship.
What makes these aliens different to the Bio-ships is that these are technically more advanced, and at least equal to the humans.
The aliens do have some new and interesting weapons, one weapon that fires a burst of powerful lasers which can strip the shields from almost any ship, and another weapon which does no direct damage but knocks out on board systems like shields, weapons, PDS etc. which can leave the target ship almost defenceless.
But I think the thing that really makes these aliens different and what can potentially make them hard to beat in a fight is their ability to repair the Core Mind-ship during a battle!
They do have a couple more tricks up their metal sleeves which make the Reformers very different to play than normal human ships, so if you fancy seeing what they are like you can get all the rules datasheets for these new aliens here for free –
I hope you enjoy playing these new aliens in your games of Stars & Lasers simple spaceship combat rules.
Note: Even if you don’t have Stars & Lasers rules you should be able to use the Reformers in your own spaceship rule systems with a few adjustments.
Vic Dobson
Hi Mac,
I’ve had a chance to go through the Reformers Supplement -it’s very nice!
I’ll look forwards to getting it printed ASAP & giving them a try over the Christmas break – now all I’ve got to do is decide which miniatures to use (or, like you, create my own).
And thanks for the mention too!
Hi Vic,
As I said you gave lots of ideas for them so a small mention was nothing.
They really are fun to play, with the ability to repair the big core mind-ship makes them really hard to win against… and watch out for their lasers, they can strip shields away very quickly!!
The Meta-Disruptor is really fun to use.. not so much fun getting hit by it though!
All in all a hard alien race to deal with on the tabletop.
As for ships to use as the Reformers, well there are plenty of mechanical looking ships out there, I have some old Full Thrust FSE ships which I think look good for these, but at the end of the day you could use any that you think fit the bill.
I hope you enjoy using them mate, and as always I look forward to getting any feed back that you have… good or bad.