More cars for The Last Drifters…

I spent a few hours over the last couple of nights putting some more cars together to use in my games of The Last Drifters.

Three more cars get built and painted ready for some gaming in the wastelands…

I couldn’t be bothered to hunt out all my plastic-card sheets to use as the armour for these vehicles so I quickly cut up some cereal box card and used that, much easier to cut and glue to the cars, also adding a thin coat of super glue to the surface makes the cardboard very hard.

So lots of side armour and big plates on the front and back to give the occupants some protection from all those bullets!

Then I added a selection of weapons… I realized I have now run out of weapons for my vehicles so I am going to have to search on the internet to see what I can find.

I did sort out a small piece of plastic-card for one thick rear armour plate and the spikey dozer blade on one of the cars.

Next the primer and this time I used a very light grey as I wanted to use some lighter base colours than I have for the rest of my vehicles.

When this was dry I added the base coats, Blue, Red and Yellow, I then painted all the weapons, armour and wheels black ready for their highlights.

All the weapons and armour then had a dry brush of gunmetal, I quickly painted the dusty tarp on the back of one car and then I simply added some brown to all the section of the cars which I rubbed off lightly with my thumb to add dust / dirt to everything!

Nothing award winning but they are good enough for my games, a very quick and simple paint job.

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  1. Vic

    Hi Mac,

    I like the blue one best!
    But I’m sure you know that red ones go faster (at least that’s what the big ugly green fella told me) …

    Hopefully my print shop will be open now, so I can finally get the LD rules printed properly …


    • Mac

      Hi Vic,

      Red ones always go faster!!

      I hope you have fun playing the game mate, Oh and just a word of warning, converting the cars is very addictive…


  2. Zac Sheehy

    Hi Mac you know that northstar do some reasonabley priced pastic bits for gaslands I think its £10 for 2 sprews which also includes 2 bikes

    • Mac

      Hi Zac,

      Yeah I have seen those and they do look good, lots of nice interesting pieces on the sprues.

      I guess that I might have to put in an order for them soon.


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