Well I have finally got some paint onto the 3D printed Confederate ships I printed out a while back, these took a lot longer than normal, not really sure why, but now they are finally done they will be great in my games of Blood Sweat & Iron.
They are all painted and varnished, all that needs to be done now is to print out some small name plates for their bases so that I can tell which ship is which when on the table.
All the ships had a real quick paint job, no great works of art here I am afraid, just the basic tabletop standard as a I have heard said about my painting in the past “they look great at arm’s length!!” 😊
I wasn’t as happy this time with the river effect on the bases, it took a lot longer than the previous ones I have done and I did struggle a bit to get it looking like I wanted, also for some reason the camera picked out the greens on the bases and made them look a lot brighter than they actually are!! Very odd.
But the bases are done and I will not be re-painting them!
I am also still not 100% happy with the CSS Alabama and its rigging, again it will be ok for gaming but will not win any awards!!
So next on the painting table is the Union ships, I only have about 10 of these to do so should be a lot quicker to get done.
They look very good.
AI was not aware the Selma had hogbacks. Do you have information on when they were added?
What color did you sue for the decking as it looks very good?
Hi Dave,
I am no historian, these ships are all from files I downloaded so I have no idea if any of them are historically accurate, but I did a quick internet check and it seems the CSS Selma was acquired by the Confederacy and got the Hog Frames in June 1861.
Thank you, the colouring for the decks is just Black Primer then Game Air Leather Brown with a light dry brush of Model Color Buff, finished off with a wash with Army Painter Soft Tone ( two thin coats of the wash )
The effect gives a patchy finish which sort of covers up the fact they are smooth.
Thems some ugly-assed ships.
I mean I get it low profile, sloping angled armor and all that but so fricking ugly.
I think they are beautiful things!!
These are very basic 3D prints, the real ships had a lot of extra stuff on them which my printer would not be able to print and I am also too lazy to scratch build ( and probably don’t have enough skill )
They do look very much like what I would expect Ironclads to look like and I have checked the actual ships out on the internet and these models are fairly close to the actual ships ( not 100% but close )
But I agree thems some ugly-assed ships!